
Food Packaging Raises Health Concerns

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Non-reusable, single-use food packaging is a problem for the environment we’re used to discussing, but a new study by the Breast Cancer Fund and the Silent Spring Institute suggests that we should be concerned about how food packaging can effect our health too. Participants in the study were found to have up to 66% less packaging-related chemicals (such as BPA and DEHP) in their system after being on a fresh-food diet for only three days. You can read more about this study and its implications here.

Aesthetic reasons aside, one of the primary purposes of food packaging is to keep food from spoiling. For this reason, it can be assumed that packaged food products will stay edible for much longer than they would if they were fresh. This allows them to be shipped longer distances and sit on shelves for longer periods of time. Isn’t it ironic, though, that the lengths food manufacturers have gone to keep food from spoiling may have adverse effects on the health of people the food’s meant to nourish?

(image: Photos Public Domain)

Written by jmalsky

November 29, 2011 at 6:16 pm

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