
Eastside Compost Pedallers: The Loop

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day 2-ingredients

Have y’all heard about the Eastside Compost Pedallers? They’re becoming celebrities around these parts, recognizable by their big blue bins strapped to custom fitted bicycles. Not only are they some of the nicest folks we know, they’re doing incredibly important work in our community.

Here’s how it works. You collect your compost (or “scrapple”) throughout the week, leave it out on your porch, and the pedallers will collect your food waste, and bike it to nearby farms. Yep, they bike the compost everywhere. Not only are they diverting food waste from the landfill, they’re doing so on bicycles, eliminating waste in every sense of the word.

Pretty amazing, right?

If that isn’t enough, they just introduced their Loop program, which encourages their customers to compost in order to win prizes from local businesses. The pedallers weigh the compost each week, and approximately one pound of compost equals a point. You can then take those points and cash them in for goodies at your favorite east side spots, including in.gredients.

If you aren’t completely in awe of them by now, watch these videos and you will be. Learn more about the Loop, how we’re getting involved and how you can be a part of this amazing zero-waste business.

Happy composting!

What is The LOOP? from East Side Compost Pedallers on Vimeo.

Loop partner highlight: in.gredients Microgrocer from East Side Compost Pedallers on Vimeo.

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  1. Hey there! I really miss your store! I live in Germany now, but I would love to get my hands on that gray tank top! Will you send it to an APO?


    June 30, 2013 at 1:17 pm

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